Tuesday, February 2, 2016

TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan

A new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game will be sold on Amazon, Sept 21st for pc, xbox one, and ps4.

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Bang Bang Squad Rules!!!

1. The president is the only one that can confirm any application that is submitted for membership.

2. Only the CEO can submit applications for others to join.

3. You can only be associated with Bang Bang Squad, and not with any other clan or organization at the same time.

4. The President and CEO cannot be demoted.

5. Members cannot move themselves up in the rankings only the President can do that.

6. Players must expand with other games. (Play a variety of games not just one)

7. Represent Bang Bang Squad in your motto or bio.

8. Must follow these rules or you will be kicked from Bang Bang Squad.

9. Respect each other no hate.

10. You can talk trash, but don't get to out of control with it.

11. If a member gets three infractions he or she will be remove from the squad.

12. Without approval from the president any individual with the xBBSx in front of their names are false claiming. If you do not see their gamer tag on the site then they are not Bang.

13. The CEO is second in command when the president is gone. If the CEO is missing then the First General is in charge. It goes on to the Fourth General. If no high ranking member is present at time then the first samurai is in charge, but after that no one is in charge and it is only a group until a high ranking member returns.